Miss Priss Cupcakes & Such

4137 Norse Way, Long Beach, CA 90808
Step into Miss Priss and you are in dessert heaven. Karie is celebrating 14 years of business ownership this year, and her cupcakes are the reason for her success. The shop has 21 flavors of cupcakes available each day and it’s hard to choose! The best seller is the Peanut Butter & Jelly Cupcake and there is a “secret menu” of Happy Hour alcohol-infused cupcakes with flavors including Cosmopolitan, Guinness, Piña Colada, Jack & Coke (pre-order). The cupcakes come in 3 sizes - Bittle (mini), Regular, and Big Daddy (muffin-size). I like to get Bittles so I can try multiple flavors!
Karie loves her Long Beach community and donates her treats to school, sports teams and charities when she can. She always greets her customers with a warm smile.
Besides cupcakes, Miss Priss offers other made-to-order items “such” as cakes, custom cupcakes, and cookies. Karie is excited to offer online ordering very soon and it will become even easier to satisfy your sweet tooth.